Due to growing demand from guests looking to stay in Sussex, we are taking on more period self-catering properties. Find out more >
Skyline of Arundel Castle

Frequently Asked Questions By Guests

What time can I check-in to my accommodation?

Check-in is normally after 3PM, while check-out is by 10AM.

If check-in and check-out times differ for your accommodation, we will let you know in advance. Currently Marlborough Mews offers an 11AM check out.

Are towels and linen provided?

Yes, you will receive all towels and bed linen, which are included in your booking.

What’s included in the rate of your short term rentals?

Rates are fully inclusive of all utilities, broadband internet and TV (satellite where stated). All property rentals are fully furnished and equipped with cooking utensils and crockery.

What’s included in a hotel booking or guest room rental?

This is charged per room and not per occupancy. Each room will have linen/towels, tea/coffee, water, porridge and orange juice included.

Can I pay for my accommodation or hotel reservation upon departure, rather than before arriving?

No. Payment is required at the time of booking and prior to check-in. At the time of booking you will be asked for full payment unless otherwise agreed.

What methods of payment do you accept for your properties and hotel rooms?

All major debit and credit cards are accepted, or bank transfer.

Can I extend my booking with you?

Yes, subject to availability. If you believe that you are likely to need to extend your accommodation period beyond the period originally booked and paid for, please notify us of this requirement as soon as possible. We cannot guarantee any extension of your accommodation period.

How do I view all of the holiday lets you have available in Sussex?

Head over to our accommodation page, and you can see all of the properties we currently manage.

How do I view a property’s latest guest reviews?

You can see the latest reviews our properties have received by either heading to the booking site such as Airbnb or Booking.com, where you booked your stay, or you can easily head to our guest reviews page to view our latest feedback.

I have additional questions about my booking, how do I contact you?

Please email us directly at bookings@hulukisussexstays.co.uk or feel free to call us on +44 1273 915065. Our friendly guest relations team are available 7 days a week from from 9AM – 6PM UK time.

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