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Sustainable and environmentally friendly holiday let management

Environmental Improvements For Your Holiday Let

It’s no secret that tourists are increasingly looking for sustainable and eco-friendly holidays in Sussex. If your holiday let or hotel doesn’t highlight how you’re making a positive impact on the environment, you could be missing out on new and repeat guest bookings.

At Huluki Sussex Stays, we will help you produce a low carbon footprint, as well as reduce your holiday property’s energy and water bills, without compromising on your guest’s quality of stay.

From quick wins to long-term energy savings, through our holiday let management services, we can provide insights, recommendations and communicate with your guests about the positive steps you’re currently taking.

Are You Currently Struggling With Or Experiencing…

High utility and energy bills?
Energy wastage by holiday guests during the winter months?
Having to turn away guests with electric cars?
Waste from single-use plastics?

Here’s How We Can Help

With new legislation coming into place in 2025 for any newly rented properties regarding EPC, it’s important to have your short-term rental and holiday property to a sufficient level to pass this rating. Existing rented properties will have to have a C rating by 2028, whereas newly rented properties will need to hit this legislation by 2025 to be deemed fit to rent. There’s no need to panic though, as we can manage the whole process, so you don’t even have to lift a finger.

Renewable Energy

We can advise and manage the best ways to make your property more energy efficient, as well as recommending and adding on elements to attract more eco-conscious guests, such as electric or hybrid car users.


To help reduce costs and ensure your short-let is environmentally friendly, we can manage and roll-out refills throughout your property. We will also communicate with guests through our personalised guestbooks about the steps we can all take to make a difference.

Reduced Waste

We can advise you on cost-efficient ways to reduce energy waste, which will also help you to get a rating of C. We will also manage the cleaning of your property using eco-friendly products and communicate with your guests about ways they can reduce waste.

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