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  • Understanding the Latest Budget Update for Furnished Holiday Let Owners

    Understanding the Latest Budget Update for Furnished Holiday Let Owners

    The recent budget update has introduced significant changes that will impact owners of Furnished Holiday Lets (FHLs). Here’s a breakdown of the key points: Changes in Interest Deduction Currently, interest incurred on loans for the purpose of a FHL business is treated as a deduction from rental income when calculating taxable profits. However, from 6…

  • Understanding Fire Safety Regulations for Holiday Lets

    Understanding Fire Safety Regulations for Holiday Lets

    When running a holiday let, it’s easy to focus on earnings, but the safety of your guests should always be the top priority. As of October 2023, there are new fire safety regulations which affect short-term rentals in an effort to protect both guests and property owners. These are part of the Section 156 of…

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